

We are a quality business experienced in providing the finest quality industrial /domestic OZONE GENERATOR equipment used extensively around the world by:

  • Fire / Flood Damage Restoration Companies
  • International Hotels - eliminating VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).
  • Car Dealers - new and used.
  • Real Estate Agents - removes odours from smelly homes that are hard to sell or rent.
  • Apartment Complexes - removal of odours from VOCs.
  • Painters - can remove offensive paint odour. Customers can move in sooner.
  • Carpet Installers - ridding carpets of VOCs.
  • Rental Car Companies - can provide clean odour-free cars for each new rental.
  • Health Clubs and Gymnasiums - removes human body odours.
  • Boat owners - keeps boats odour, mould and mildew free.
  • Allergy sufferers - can live in a purified environment free from mould, mildew, spores, VOCs, and fumes.
  • Businesses - reduction in employee sick days due to germ elimination in the work environment.


Ozone is a naturally occurring substance found in nature that we cannot live without. Ozone is an activated form of oxygen with three atoms where regular oxygen has two. Ozone in the upper atmosphere filters out harmful rays from the sun without which all life on earth would cease to exist. Closer to home ozone is produced by lightning in thunderstorms. I'm sure you have experienced the FRESHNESS in the air after a storm. Ozone is very unstable and has an average half life of 20 minutes. This is why ozone must be produced at the point of use and cannot be stored in a container for later use. Ozone will cast off its third atom onto any other organic element thereby oxidising it or converting it to another substance. In the case of odours it will convert a foul-smelling substance into a non-odourous substance naturally with no unhealthy chemicals to buy, stoe or use. Once ozone has done its job it converts back to oxygen. Ozone will also deactivate and DESTROY moulds, bacteria, virus, fungus and mildew.

For more information please click on the "Letter from the Inventor" tab. From this page you can then access the manufacturer's brochure which explains the specifications of our TZ1 - TZ2 Ozone Generators in further detail.

Our team is fully trained and provide a fast, reliable service for your needs.

If you're looking for a business that is focused on you then enquire online or give us a call on 1300 369 663 (1300 3 OZONE).